We're On Island Time!

We're On Island Time!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

House Guests

Meet Paul and Zac...my house guests last night. These young lads are running from Mexico to Canada...yes running. They are running a marathon or more every 3or4 days with 1or2 rest days. With family/friend connections they have mapped out homes to stay along the way. Paul was one of Wubby's(cousin Caleb) old roommates. I was happy to host them and listen to their stories. It also motivated me during my, in comparison, small small 50min workout today as they left this morning to...well...go run another marathon!

Check out their website:


Janelle said...

oh my goodess that sounds HOT. I could barely get through one marathon..and they're doing 2/wk. now I feel lazy. I'll need to read more of their blog...but can you imagine what (and how much) they're eating?!

Wubby said...

those are some crazy guys!!!

The Drakes said...

nice! kurtis talked with one of their moms to see if they needed to stay here, but in between the time they spoke and she contacted her son they had found another spot - in monmouth? can't remember. what an experience they are having! -- j