We're On Island Time!

We're On Island Time!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Moving Prep and Party Time

The weekend before our big move Phil and I wanted to focus on helping out in the yard. We didnt want to leave a crazy yard for Ruby and Lewis to tend to alone. Phil and Lewis cut down part of a tree and we spent a few evenings having a burn barrel. Since we had to be outside tending to the fire we celebrated with a par-tay with Mark and Kel

Jericho partied too.I got motivated to do some serious weeding.

Cutting down the tree would allow more light on the garden this summer. Last summer my herbs didnt do very well because there was too much shade.
Our lovely guests.
The spread. yummmmmmmmmmmm... I'll sure miss hosting with these 2. We really are powerful when we work together!
Jericho can sleep anywhere in any position!
Phil had wet bottom. ha ha ha. He got the bad chair. Way to take one for the team babe.

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