We're On Island Time!

We're On Island Time!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Pioneer Woman Phase 3

The Laundry Line...why not?!
I loved hanging Bem's cute little jamis. I can't wait to hang up baby Chings tiny clothes... your know, my asian baby, Im only half Filipino but Im just positve Phil and my first child will come out 100% Asian!

Phil finished the next phase of our garden. got our final bed ready for our May seeds... now if only we can keep the dogs out of the beds. the keep trampling my little seedlings and destroying them.

What a differnce! We borrowed my parents monster machine. The dirt is so fine and soft now. Come over in October to the Kelley's pumpkin patch, we'll have enough for all the kids!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Asian laundry...sounds like a clothing line.