We're On Island Time!

We're On Island Time!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dear Garden,

I noticed this morning we may have had our first frost. I'm not sure but I wanted to thank you for the wonderful summer. I think we did well together considering it was my first time. I appreciate how you are still producing strawberries, tomatoes, green beans, carrots, squash, egg plant, greens, herbs and beets. However I was a little disappointed that we had the worlds tallest corn yet a very small yeild, perhaps next year we wont waste that space? Next year I also plan on being more proactive with the slug issues, sorry I let them eat you. What do you think about planting a winter garden? Then we can continue our relationship until our next big spring planting. I think Barb will teach Ruby and I how to build a cloche to insulate lettuces and such. I hope you like it.

Thanks again for the great summer.

Love Always,

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